this a bit of a log on our build , its a 1991 hino with a rearmount turbo,6sp full syncrow box, im the second owner of her and it done 550k, head hight is only 1925mm and im right on that hight
we looked at quite a few busses but grabed this one as the service history was brilliant , i figger im not gunna be walking around to much in her
the bus
the strip
some of the wireing , ive used the CMS diy setup so i can do it all myself beside the final conection
the rear window is a bit of a feather for us , it is a 4 cubard setup that we used some 3d pics my missus bouht me back in 2006 , turned them into the doors
bed is a lift up on rams
overheads are all pull down doors , they are the setup where ya push them in to open so no nobs anywhere
opted 4 no bedsides and put the draws in side half of 1 cubbard
lokking back veiw and thats it 4 now