Re: Free Camping RV set-up
jock wrote:
Hey Guys !!!! Graham said he needed the responses back in March!
Having said that though…..Not a bad topic for another thread.
I had already sent info to Graham, not realising that it was initially a rather old request.
Anyway, I thought I would share my comments with you.
so here it isG’day Graham,
I am a great supporter of free or bush or independent camping. However we do also when we want, repeat we want, to visit C.Parks. I recently visited the Brisbane Caravan & Camping show, and I could not find any exposure or representation in regards to free camping.
Oh !! yes…. there was a Grey Nomad stall there but this guy was selling his DVD on his touring experiences. If my memory is correct, I did visit your stand in the pavilion. But it appeared to be all about Parks. (I may be wrong)
The caravan manufactures of Australia are producing caravans today that equal a luxury apartment on say the Gold Coast. This means we can be totally self sufficient and therefore take advantage of many of the great Australian outback and city camping spots.
However C.Park owners are a self interested mob only. They have the facilities and security for those who want same. They are lobbying the local authorities crying that they are being penalised by us travellers who which to free camp.
But … I will bet my tow and van, that they did not ask the hotel and motel owners in their area if they objected to them taking away their business and profit by installing cabins in their parks, to attract the motel/hotel customers to their parks.We do not want or seek many of the benefits that a park has on offer. Surely it is our right to " choose".
On a recent van tour of Tasmania we spent approx. $8000 including the Spirit of Tasmania fare and a huge majority of that was spent in the towns that supported free camping. Like wise we ensure that we support the Friendly Towns in our country.
I am a great believer of " let the market forces decide"
Our set up is:-
Land cruiser tow with a 22ft semi off road Coromal Princeton van, awning and extra shades, and matting etc.
Full ensuite, washing machine, two door fridge, lift up queen size bed, cooktop and oven, T.V. radio, satellite dish, roof solar panels, air conditioner, dual gas bottles , rear gennie box with gennie, rear tool box, plus many many more accessories like table chairs BBQ,fishing rods and red claw nets etc etc. So as you can see we are virtually fully sufficient.
We are in the process of adding a diesel heater and looking at a inflatable boat, and then I guess a roof rack.
Thankfully we have a Cruiser as the work horse.
So Graham, now you can see why we any many hundreds of other caravaners not only request, but want the right to FREEDOM CAMPING.
Love your forum. I have learned heaps from this forum.