
Helping a mate!

My mate Glen 'Rollee' Hodgkinson is on a mission to raise money for cancer research

By: Roothy  |  November 15th, 2010

You might remember my mate Glen Hodgkinson who bails me out when it comes to upholstery and stuff? He's the bloke who made MIlo and Red's seat bumworthy and in this pic we're fitting some door seals to Red. Gleno's about the fittest bloke on the mudflats and he's off on a 200km bicycle ride to raise money for cancer research. Me and the kids donated the Handbrake's bingo win - she doesn't know about that yet, ouch! - and it's such a good cause I figured I'd let the world know about it too. Glen drives a modified shorty Maverick and spends heaps of time camping/driving around our end of the country so you might even have met him. If you want to help out a fellow four wheel driver in his personal quest to do something good, check out this web page http://cfrau.convio.net/site/TR?px=1006553&pg=personal&fr_id=1040&et=jpe... or contact him on [email protected]. Me? I'll be following him of course, but not on my pushy, it's only for short trips. Like to the pub. Maybe now. Gotta keep the training up!


roothy cheers for this ,oh and by the way it sucks trying to get out your driveway at peak hour . will talk again soon rollee

gday roothy i have an fj 45 series cruiser and im wondering how dose the tjm bull bar go. kind regards Dion