Forum Rules & Standards

C&M Forum Rules
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:57 pm

Forum Rules & Standards

Post by Sinbad » Wed May 30, 2018 4:37 pm

Forum Posting Rules: (updated Feb 2019)

Members Posts:

– Members may not advertise directly or by referring to another website, or include a URL for advertising purpose within their post; except as follows:
– Members may sparingly refer to commercially related material and/or imbed a URL within a post providing it is in legitimate discussion and there are no commercial obligations or benefits from the post.
– Note, the above rules are relaxed in the Wanted – For Sale – Swap forum providing it is purely personal with no commercial implication.
– Users must be respectful to other members when discussing/debating issues.
– Personal attacks or interference will not be tolerated.
– No Flaming (posting to incite) or bullying.
– Antagonism in posting will not be tolerated
– Posts are not to contain any material that can be viewed as libellous or slanderous.
– No material of a derogatory nature will be allowed.
– Administrators, Moderators & Staff Members of EMG will be afforded the same respect as all other members.
– Private Messages must not be distributed
– BBcode is limited to that which is available in the Message Edit area – selectable Icons Only

Maintaining the Peace

A member breaking the rules of the forum may be warned or even immediately suspended depending upon the severity of the transgression.
The Administration team will review the severity of any transgression and determine if the member should be permanently removed, including posts.
The decision to warn, suspend or ban an individual will not be made public but communicated by one of the administrators via Private Message to the user.

Members Signature:

URLs may form part of a member’s signature.
The URL is to be limited to the minimum size required for it to function and not be embellished by style, size or comment.
The URL must not point to a deemed or perceived commercial website. Admin shall remain the sole arbiter.
Admin over time may contact and advise relevant members of the requirement to edit their signatures and/or the need for judicious use of commercial links or references within their posts.

Note to all:

All members can be active in how the forum runs; if you see an issue with a post or topic, you can raise the issue with Admin, Moderator, or C&M staff and it will be addressed – confidentially.

Admin note: Sambob view counter 12518 and Sinbad counter 769 at time of update. Valid count = current + 12518 – 769


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